LoL Korea's strongest Gary the LCK Summer Finals

In this year's League of Legends (LoL) Champions Korea (LCK) summer championship trophy, Gen.G took a 2-0 lead, pushing T1 to the brink.

On the afternoon of the 28th, Gen.G took a 2-0 lead in the set score against T1 in the LCK Summer Finals held at Gangneung Arena in Gangneung-si, Gangwon-do until the 2nd set.

It is the first time the two teams have faced each other in the LCK final in more than two years since the spring of 2020, when T1 won.

The start of the final match was originally scheduled for 2:30 pm, but it was delayed for over an hour due to a network problem in the broadcasting relay system, and the game started at 3:40 pm.
Gen.G and T1 had a biting and biting battle from the first set.

From the beginning of the first set, the trio Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok, “Keria” Min-seok Ryu, and “Owner” Hyeon-jun Hyun-joon “Owner” Hyeon-jun attacked Jung “Chobi” Ji-hoon and “Doran” Hyeon-jun Choi, 롤드컵토토 who were all alone in the line, from the beginning of the first set.

However, in the 19 minute fight in front of the dragon (team more info fight), Jerry of Jae-hyeok “Ruler” Park Jae-hyeok overwhelmingly defeated T1 with a triple kill, and gathered momentum to fight the baron (Baron) as well.

Ruler then scored a quadra kill in a fight that took place near Baron in the 27th minute, putting a wedge in the game leaning towards Gen.

T1 tried to counterattack at every opportunity, but was blocked by a ruler who had grown overwhelmingly and gave up the first set to Gen. Ruler's Jerry was able to score 16 kills alone in the first set.

In the second set of ban picks that followed, Faker picked Renekton as a counter against Chovey's Sylas.

However, Chovy made 2 kills against Faker from the beginning of the match, and Nila “Kumayushi” Lee Min-hyung and Keria duo of Ruler Neila double kills to widen the gap.

In the ensuing battle, 롤드컵토토 Choby continued to cut T1 liners including Faker, showing an overwhelming performance.

In the end, Gen.G exploded the T1 Nexus in 26 minutes and won the second set.

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